Access Bars®

Access Bars®: £70 (1 hour)

What it is: The Bars® are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During an Access Bars session, I will gently touch these points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have limited you in the concerned life areas. This gentle, non-invasive technique works on releasing both physical and mental blocks.

Good for: greater mental clarity, deeper relaxation, stress and much much more!

Learn more about Access Bars here:

Access Bars energy healing


  • After a brief chat, you will lie down on a massage couch ready to start the session. There is no need to remove any clothing and only the hands and feet are touched. Having your Bars run is a relaxing treatment. At worst you’ll feel like you had a massage. Best case scenario your life will change into something greater!

    Many people feel warm sensations, buzzing and tingling. There is no ‘normal’ way to feel!

  • Access Bars have been reported to help with stress reduction, deep relaxation, ease of sleep, dissipating mind chatter, releasing trauma, reducing overwhelm, decreasing negative and limiting thought patterns, changing negative behavioral patterns, improving overall wellbeing, and increasing feelings of calmness, inner peace, happiness and gratitude.

    When The Bars are lightly touched, they effortlessly and easily release anything that does not allow you to receive. The Bars release decisions about any area of your life that you have made solid, dissolving judgment from within.

  • When The Bars are lightly touched, the brain waves slow down, allowing behavioral patterns, belief systems, and points of view that you have been running from childhood or from other lifetimes to be accessed. The brain wave’s change from beta waves, which are our ‘awake’ mode, to alpha/theta waves, which induce feelings of relaxation.

  • Access Bars is backed by published scientific research.

    In 2015 leading neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin examined the neurological effects of the Access Bars and discovered positive neurological effects on the recipient greater than those experienced by advanced meditators.

    Dr. Terrie Hope, PhD. DNM conducted scientific research on the effects of Access Bars® on anxiety and depression, published in the Journal of Energy Psychology in 2017. In summary, The Bars were found to reduce stress and anxiety by 85% and depression by 82% in as little as one session. All participants showed an increase in Brain Coherence.

    Dr. Hope also found that participants who, before the 90-minute Access Bars session, reported a sense of past failure, self-criticalness, loss of pleasure, and agitation, all reported 100% of these symptoms were resolved after the session.